Armed and Dangerous with a massive cup of cappuccino not a lot of sleep and the house all to myself!
Productive procrastination at it's best. I should be cleaning but I thought I'd have a read of some things and write a blog.
My intention this morning was to blog about a conversation I had with another WL a number of weeks ago regarding the topic of 'extras' - the lack of light at the end of the tunnel summing up to the reason why we work.
Until I read something that got my goat!
Ok so I have been inspired by Father's Day to share something I wrote many moon's ago.
On that day in Summer when they told me you'd died,
All I could do was sit there, and I cried.
I cried for days and I got no sleep.
I tried to heal my woulds but the cuts were too deep.
To only meet you once at three months old.
I can not handle what I have been told.
To know I'll never see you again,
I've lost a Father, I've lost a friend.
I can't ha
"A true man hates no one." A quote from Napoleon Bonaparte...
I read this today (and many other things that will come), on the blog of my ex's current girlfriend; and it got me thinking... Yes it is a valid quote, for the time period in which it came. But is this really how it is today???
In Napoleon's day a true man was defined by strength, both physical and emotional. Emotional strength in men of that day was defined by hiding feelings and emotions and not expressing th