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My Alter Ego - STORM



Gemini is known as "The Twins" zodiac but I'd always struggled to find mine, until now.


Recently, I discovered how important it is to take the time to spoil yourself and I finally saw my darker that I had struggled for 19 years to unlock. Until this point I had always been the girl who was quiet, calm, sometimes nerdy but always liked a giggle and have a little fun. I bit the bullet and made some drastic changes in my appearance though and soon saw the rock/rough side to myself who is always up for adventure and lives on the edge. Her name is STORM!!


Storm is the complete opposite to me (Kati) as I am far more reserved, sensual, cuddly and bubbly while Storm is far more rough and raw with a 'kick-arse' attitude.


We both wear completely different outfits as well which makes us easily distinguishable. I usually can be found bouncing around in a playboy bunny outfit (despite losing the ears), a school girl outfit or even a simple dress or corset and skirt. Generally very girly and simple. Storm however has just two outfits at the moment. a cop outfit complete with handcuffs and a pants and top leather look number which shows off her rough personality. Both of us take the time to wear the appropriate level of makeup to suit us and our outfits. This ranges from simple foundation and mascara right through to a very raunchy, dark look with heavy eyeliner and stricking eyeshadow.


All of your desires and interests can be taken care of by either of us and with a simple change of outfit or makeup, switching between the two is a breeze. Either Kati or Storm can be in control in the beginning but one move or desire can change that in an instant. Kati can become a very wild Storm if desired, or Storm can be calmed or scared in a way that brings the very calm, romantic or even kitten-like Kati to the surface. Our services are therefore are quite different and include/exclude certain 'extras'. Feel free to discuss these with either of us in a private message...


Well, this was just a quick blog to give you a quick intro to Storm and she will later post her own introduction when she shows up next.


Talk soon,

Kati xx

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