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Kati's Blog

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Time to Move On... Goodbye KatiStorm

A scared 18 year old girl walks into a parlour for the first time. She has no idea what to expect or the sort of people on the otherside of the door. This was me, this is my story.   18months ago I began my journey through the adult entertainment industry. Im not going to go into detail because so many people already know the story of my first day as Kelly at Southside X. Since then I have grown hugely as a person gaining much self esteem and learning to appreciate every aspect of life much mo



My First Drinks Night - Oct 28th 2011 @The Golden Gate Hotel

Melbourne Drinks night came around yet again on Oct 28th and I had to go. Having missed two that I had wished to attend before, I was still yet to meet many people who I have spoken to and gotten to really know since joining PP. A day of excitement and continually changing outfit followed, as I was unable to decide on what to wear. Finally I came to a decision and started on my slow journey to the Golden Gate Hotel. First stop was to get dinner then into SSX to do my make-up and meet up with



My Alter Ego - STORM

Gemini is known as "The Twins" zodiac but I'd always struggled to find mine, until now.   Recently, I discovered how important it is to take the time to spoil yourself and I finally saw my darker that I had struggled for 19 years to unlock. Until this point I had always been the girl who was quiet, calm, sometimes nerdy but always liked a giggle and have a little fun. I bit the bullet and made some drastic changes in my appearance though and soon saw the rock/rough side to myself who is alway



Review Comment VS Personal Attack

Hi Everyone,   This is my introductory blog but it is most likely completely different to the usual intro blogs.   Recently comments were placed on one of my reviews and things got a little out of hand. I personally love being reviewed and hearing how punters think i can improve and other general thoughts on me. Everyone will have a very different opinion of me and I actually appreciate negative feedback as long as it is in a constructive manner that I can think about and apply changes where



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