An appeal to punters....
Hello to all punters,
I've been reading a lot of reviews and comments made recently whether about a girl, or comments left about a venue itself.
I understand that we all have the right to express our opinions, however when making reviews or comments on a forum such as this, I'm finding a lot are allowing personal feelings to influence what they right and how they write it.
Do you all understand that the things you say have the power to effect not only the girl, and her earnings but also the venue they work at.
So you went to a venue, didn't like any of the girls, and because you had to then travel further to another venue, the place has "gone to the dogs" or "is so poorly managed".
You didn't like a particular girl so didn't book her, but posted negative comments about her.........whats up with that? she may not have been to your liking but she may have been someone elses.
Do punters ever stop to think that by being outwardly negative because of their own disgruntlement can cause them to lose out in the long run? if a girls earnings drop at one place they may decide to leave there and head elsewhere taking with them not only their own business but also that of any other number of girls and so your fave not only disappears but so does 10 other peoples, because those numbers walking through the doors drops.
Not to mention that other punters reading reviews get only one side of the coin, the girl or venue is not able to respond in anyway, except with approval from admin!! and even then whilst some information can be corrected the girl, or the venues opinion or version of the situation/booking/circumstances is never really heard.
WL's, and Venues put up with more normally intolerable behavior from the general public than any other industry, punters staring at the porn on TV when a girl intro's or not at least saying politely sorry your not what I'm looking for today, instead of a girl walking in and asking how your day as been simply to get the dismissal "thank you" without even so much as a greeting or reply, being overly intoxicated when booking a girl,
It makes me wonder what the vast majority of punters who do this would do should all the WL's shut up shop, what would you be left with (being melb based) a walk down ST.Kilda to find a street walker who is statistically a higher risk of having some form of STD than any other WL.
A little fore-thought to what you write about a girl, or a venue goes a long way in this industry, imagine if the roles were reversed and it was us the WL's and venues or agencies who were doing the reiews on YOU, and because one particular day you pissed off the wrong WL etc, suddenly no girl will stay with you, no venue will even grant you entry and no agency will send their girls out???
Another thing I would llike to point out is that what a WL tells you about her private life, stays within those 4 walls, it is not up to you the punter to (no matter the intentions) divulge any of that information let alone doing soon a forum such as this, I laughed so hard today, when I read a post made by a particular punter claiming he has respect for all WL's yet when approached about a comment he had made on a venue's thread the first line of the response was filled with sarcasm, and mockery. That person i am sure knows who they are, while his intentions were good, he divulged information regarding the girls personal and private life, if she wanted that information to be public knowledge she would make it public herself, and when approached, instead of showing your obvious lack of respect at being approached, a simple, i understand what your saying, and will ammend (because the person in question did ammend what was written) was all that was needed.
We are here to provide punters with a service, for what ever the reason you choose to spend time with us.
Its pretty simple to do:
1. Unless you have stayed with the girl don't pass judgement what you don't like may be the next guys ideal
2. Don't pass judgement on management because your fave girl or ideal girl is not available, management has NO bearing on which girls are available at any given time and girls come and go, as often as hot dinners.
3. Make sure your reviews are accurate, non contradictory, and truthful.
4. Keep anything that the WL tells you about her personal/private life to yourself unless you have the girls express permission to make the information public.
5. Remember ALWAYS you can get a girl having an off day, or after a particularly bad booking, thus affecting her time with you.
And last but not least, and this is the big one........
You get from a punt only what you put in, NO girl no matter how good she is will leave you feeling like you've had a great experience if YOU don't give as much as you get, its kinda like getting a vibrator, but never switching the power on, and saying well that sucked
thats all from me for this particular entry
happy punting.
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