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Thoughts by Venus

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Just the rambling thoughts of ur local ho x

Entries in this blog

Girls currently jumping ship from Scarlet Blue

Just writing a quick post to keep punters in the loop, girls are currently leaving scarlet blue due to privacy concerns so if you're looking for your favourite higher end girl they're flying the nest to ivy society or Dakota dice. Real babes might be in with a contender to rival E&B for now too.    Hopefully we just end up with user friendly websites that don't rinse punters or advertiser or hold personal information.    I've always liked Locanto, love the inbox feature i

Venus Nymphs

Venus Nymphs in Sex Work Activism

Let's Talk about Herpes

STD's can be a touchy subject in this industry, one full of stigma but also genuine concern from both workers and punters.   Today I want to talk about Herpes (HHV, HSV)     Believe it or not, if you're sexually active chances are you already have it. it's estimated up to 80% of the Aus population has this virus, most cases go unnoticed unless a major outbreak happens. You can contract Herpes both HHV and HSV1 both around your mouth and your genitals. That means if

Venus Nymphs

Venus Nymphs in Sex Work Activism

How I got into Sex Work | The story of a girl raised Christian who ended up a Whore

"What made you start doing this work?" is a common question at the end of a service during pillow talk with my customers.   This is a bit of a tricky question for me to answer, because really i've been doing some form of sex work from a very young age.   I was in year 5 when my best friend Rosie told me about ICQ   "It's an internet chat room" she said.   Rosie was the friend my strict Christian parents were always wary of. If I was up to no good chances a

Venus Nymphs

Venus Nymphs in Secrets of Venus

International Sex Workers Rights Day is Today - 3rd March

Today is International Sex Workers Rights Day!     In Adelaide where I am located unfortunately Sex Work is still an underground Industry. As a result when a woman chooses to enter and work in this industry she is making this decision under dangerous circumstances. Sex Work being a criminal activity and grey area in terms of the law not only enforces stigma, makes this industry dangerous for workers and punters and means there is no set standards to abide by.  

Venus Nymphs

Venus Nymphs in Sex Work Activism

Sex is an Energy Transfer | Why Sex Workers May Insist on Covered Sex

One of the most common requests we get as an escort is if we will offer bareback blow jobs and if we offer natural, condomless sex.   Whilst some (but not many) workers certainly may offer a bareback blow job as an extra, natural sex or as some punters like to call it "fluid exchange" is definetly not an industry standard.   Aside from the normal concerns of STDs and thus potential loss of income for the two weeks a worker needs to take antibiotics, risk of transferring something

Venus Nymphs

Venus Nymphs in Anthropology of sex work clients

"Men who pay for sex can't get it for free"

After being in this industry in and out for a good few years now I think it's time for me to discuss my thoughts on this comment that I get a lot when discussing this style of work with my civvie friends who know what I do, or even other sex industry professionals.   "Men who pay for sex can't get it for free"   I've certainly heard this line often and I suppose before I was familiar with the ins and outs of SW I may have had this thought too. Of course now I've worked on and

Venus Nymphs

Venus Nymphs in Anthropology of sex work clients

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