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Melbourne Colosseum - October 2010 - Angela: a cheeky afternoon delight

Once again I found myself in Melbourne for a couple of days at a conference, but with other things on my mind, I spent the afternoon sitting in the lounge of the colosseum. It really is a wonderful way to spend an afternoon.   Upon my arrival, I was welcomed and shown through to the lounge. This was my second outing and the parade of ladies each time “Say Hello” was broadcast over the speakers is just amazing. So many women, so much temptation, what’s a guy to do? There are some seriously good



The Grosvenor - 27/02/09 - Shandy : The Girl next door

Alone in the big city, what's a country boy to do.   After an absolutely disasterous day in Melbourne seeing clients, I decided some female company was in order to sooth away the frustrations of the day.   My first stop was Ladies for Gentlemen in Richmond, at the time 2 ladies available, and while each was welcoming in their intro, neither of them was doing it for me, so I excused myself and decided to move on.   My next stop was to be The Grosvenor. Armed with a vague recollection of whe



The Main Course - 20/04/09 - MiMi

Who would have thought finding a punt on a Sunday night would be so hard.   The first couple of parlours, only 1 girl was available, and not to my liking. One parlour I didn't even get to enter.... the voice on the intercom wouldn't even let me in.   Things were looking promising at the Grosvenor. I was introduced to a stunning asian lady, tall, buxom, very attractive.... pity all I got out of her was hello, before she turned around and walked off.   Skirting the top of the city on the way



The Main Course - xx/10/07 - Veronica

It's not often I find myself in the city on a weekday, with the opportunity of having some time to kill, but having to attend a work related seminar, I found myself in the big smoke for the day.   As far as seminars go, I was ready to walk out 5 minutes after it started, but persevered until lunch time. Gathering all my information, I hightailed it back into the city from Hawthorn, and at this point of the proceedings I drew a complete blank. There were memories of many fine reviews by other p



Barabing's - August 2010 - Danni

Stampede's return visit to the Bing.   I found myself making another trip down the highway to deal with a client and their issues.   After my wonderful visit to the Melbourne Colessuem on Friday, I toyed with the idea of a return visit, but as I was on the other side of the city, I decided to give Barabings another try.   This is only the second time I have been to a R'n'T establishment, and after my first visit with Harper, I was in two minds as to whether or not try again.   As I was



Ladies for Gentlemen - June 2010 - Danni

Stampede enjoys a true GFE.   Price structure:- $140 for 30 minutes plus $5 card surcharge I found myself driving up Punt Road today on the way to Collingwood, and as I approached Swan St, I decided to stop by LFG and see who was available. The lovely recepionist told me they were extremely busy by there ware a few girls available. Danni, Sharna and a third I can't remember. Sharna ticked most of the boxes but as kissing wasn't offered I waited to see who else was availa



Barabing's - January 2010 - Harper

This was my first visit to Barabing's. I was greeted at the door by Fetisha, who showed me into the front room, sat me down and gave me the run down of how things worked. 3 ladies were available, all with very nice into's. All pleasant and friendly, but it was Harper I chose. During her intro she hinted at extra's, but declined to outline what they were until we made it to the room.   Once in the room she told me for $30 each, or $50 for the both, she included all over touching an



Melbourne Colosseum - August 2010 - Anita

I had discovered I was going to be in Melbourne, and wanting to try somewhere new, I shot Steelmaster a quick email, asking if he had a reccomendation for the MC. Not only did he come through with a list of lovlies, he also met me there and introduced me the Michael the manager.   It was a wierd experience, sitting out the back, enjoying a coffee, and discussing the events of the last couple of months. Every so often the girls would be called for an introduction, and as they wandered p



Warrnambool encounter - Jenny - 2009

I recently had cause to stay overnight in Warrnambool after meeting with some clients down there. Warrnambool is an old stomping ground for me, and with friends still in the area, a few catch up drinks with some mates had left me a little toey towards the later part of the evening.   After checking the local papers for some company, I decided to do the ring around of the four advetisments listed. First call was to Knight Owl escorts who run ladies down there, sorry luv I was told, she's booke



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