Collingwood Confidential
Maryjane x 10
Georgie's Place
Georgia x 3
Martine x 9
The Harem
Ladies for Gentlemen
Le Boudoir
Isabella x 3
Moon Club
Naughty Times
TS Dolly
TS Jacinta
TS Julia
TS Meng Li
Lisa Van
Simply Bliss
TS Carmen
TS Natalie
Studio 54
Westminster Secrets
Jennifer x 2
There's not a great deal to report as it could be summed up as being virtually identical to the time before, which was towards the latter part of July. Let me say this my interested, fellow-me-lads, that is exactly my point.
I had intended to see a particular W/L but as it turned out, she was unavailable. Last minute ring around and it came down to Martine of Georgie's Place or Louise of Le Boudoir. After much procrastination, Martine was eliminated leaving the choice of Louise. After rerea
Saw young Jennifer again last night, she informed me her age is 25. Not 100% sure, I still reckon early thirties. Although she's still a student so maybe. I asked why Jennifer and not a Spanish name and she said the manager said it was Jennifer as in Jennifer Lopez due to a slight resemblance
We'd exchanged many texts and a couple if phone calls since our last catch up. I'd mentioned in one of the texts that I enjoy DFK and not so much light kissing a la last time. She said she enjoyed it t
Imogen was described by the receptionist as a pretty, 18 yo, slim blonde (pretty tempting credentials). From her own words she said she is 19 yo (not that it makes any difference). She looked pleasant enough with a youthful face and large, kissable, light coloured lips. She is a tall girl with c-cup breasts and a slightly puppy-fat body. I caught a glimpse of her talking to Mr Dreadlocks as I was leaving the building after visiting Ally. She looked good enough for me to book her th
I rang WS to check if Jennifer was available for Round 2 but the dreadlocks dude said she wasn't in this Tuesday. I didn't know any of the other names except Subin who I'd love to shag if her personality was a little more appealing. The dude also volunteered that they had a new starter, an 18 yo slim blonde, hmm interesting. I drove over to WS, arriving about 7pm to find the new starter was booked out until after 9pm. I did catch a peak though and from what I could see she looks gorg
There are already four reviews of Isabella on PP so please indulge me as I make this the fifth.
It strikes me as something of an omission that as a seasoned Melbourne punter I have never darkened the door step of the fine old establishment known as Le Boudoir. Thanks to many fine punters on here, I have a bourgeoning “To Do” list and the establishment with the largest number of prospective WLs on the list is Le Boudoir with no less that 12 very strongly recommended
I was in a strange mood, wanting something but not sure what. It had been a long day and it was drawing to a close, I was looking forward to going home, eating dinner and relaxing, but something was niggling at me. I went to the little kitchen to make a cup of tea and a work colleague was in there doing something or other. She looked good, never really paid any attention before, too professional J. Then I realised what was niggling at me, I hadn’t had a punt for a month. During the f
If you have no stomach for a male on male encounter, please leave now.
I'm sure you'd all like to ask the big question.
“Flexi, WTF were you thinking?”
Unlike you young lads, punters of my age are forced to face the truth, that our punting career is in the final quarter and the legs are getting weary. As we await the singing of the fat lady, we reflect on the many a happy time shared with many a lovely young lady. We also contemplate. Will I die wondering? Have I
Mattress Awards
My favorite accomplices for 2012 considered across a range of sex-related categories is now available here.
Shag Miles
A list of willing accomplices for 2012 including frequency and locations is now available here.
2013 Punting Objectives
6 January - Naughty Times (TS Dolly) - Feminine TS
My first punt for 2012 was with a pretty TS by the unusual name of Dolly. She was attractive in a cute way with quite a feminine face. All services were on offer.
17 Ja
After a stunningly good half hour with the lovely Isabella last Friday week there was no choice but to return, this time for an hour. She greeted me with "Hi, nice to see you again, you said you'd come back and you did." When we entered the room she smiled with a cheeky grin and said "We have unfinished business."
As mention in the Round 1 review, Isabella is a very pretty, voluptuous, fiery, passionate Italian lady who loves to DFK. Her kissing style is outstanding. It's everything I'm loo
Rhiannon came in first, she is a gorgeous-looking, dark-skinned, young woman but I'd been there. Tina came in next, another delightful-looking, dark skinned, young BBW but I'd been there too. Then Chantelle came in, she was the last intro. I could very easily have enjoyed staying with any of them.
Chantelle is a caucasian BBW, probably late thirties with quite large breasts. She is reasonably pretty but not a stunner. I asked the usual questions relating to what she was prepared to engage i
Emma agreed to come in a little early so we met at 5:30pm. The receptionist, whose name I've forgotten was a grumpy bitch and if I didn't have a booking that I was keen to go through with, I may have walked.
Waited for a few minutes for Emma to arrive. She eventually came around the corner and called to me almost from the reception desk. She's a very tidy package, really attractive body shape and those wonderful large breasts. We stopped at reception to pay and get the FF card ticked.
Booked a 30 minute repeat visit to this lovely MILF and wound up with an unusual experienced that I haven’t had before. I was quite surprised that she remembered me actually and even more surprised when she said “So you caught up with Georgia I hear.” Hmmm, I think they’ve been plotting.
Anyway that wasn’t what was unusual. As soon as I’d finished drying off, Martine moved into position ala last time and began her no mess version of DFK. As usual, being a lazy old dog, I prefer to do so hori
A phone call to WS at lunch time revealed they had just the sort of girl I was looking for on the roster. I arrived at 6pm and four ladies intro'd.
First was a very pretty, mature, cuddly lady called Chantelle who was tempting but she sounded bossy.
Second was Rhiannon. I'd forgotten how damn gorgeous she is. Almost booked her on the spot but the temptation of Tina kept me from it.
Next was a tall slim lady with a pretty smile called Silvia.
Finally, Tina entered the room, and my
Gentlemen, this is a chapter in the ongoing tale of my continuing search for the perfect transsexual experience.
Carmen advertises on a number of TS escort advertising sites, the one I saw first was this which had a link to her web site. I gave her a call and spelled out quite clearly what I had in mind. I usually find that being very clear at the outset makes it look like you know what you’re doing (even if you don’t) and more unlikely to put up with any horse shit at the time. Our thoughts
A window of opportunity suddenly opened up so I consulted the To Do list. Contacted an old fav private on short notice but she was tied up. Called a few parlours but correlation with the list was poor. Dropped into Cromwell House to check out the trannies and left unsatisfied. I really don't know how that place stays in business. Thought about swinging by Georgie's place (had some awesome punts there lately with Martine and Georgia) and if that failed, across to Naughty Times to check out TS Na
Following a review of an awesome punt with TS Meng Li by warmnite in April, she was on my must see list. No hard feelings to warmnite as I'm quite sure it's a case of YMMV.
I asked Geoff if Meng could stay back until about 6pm and he said, and she said, no problem. I arrived right on 6pm and was shown to the bedroom by the receptionist. Had a quick shower and Meng came to the room just as I was drying the last extremity. She's not beautiful but by the same token, not bad for her age. She sho
Called in to NT for the intros but only the one TS on deck. It was Julia, who I’d met in an intro a week or so ago. Last time it was her first shift and she was extremely nervous but now she had settled down. After a few clarifying points I decided on Julia for 30min for $155. Like others have said, its expensive but what can you do.
Julia is an Asian of medium height and shape with small natural??? breasts. I’d say she’d be in her early thirties with a pretty enough face. Her least attracti
I went to NT with the intention of finally catching up with TS Nadia, a very hot trannie I've been keen to book with since meeting her in an intro in early January. Again, she was a no show so I had no option but the line-up.
Only recall two of the four intros. Julia was a tall, pretty Malaysian who was in her first ever intro. She was utterly nervous and it was rubbing off on me. I couldn't help but think this poor kid's first few bookings are going require a very patient and tolerant punte
The Motivation
The only motivation I would admit to, for going to NT is to check out the trannies.
The Establishment
This place has great historic value. It was the genesis of the well known phrase "This joint looks like a fucking brothel." Fortunately, inside is better than out. No EFTPOS fee is a winner
The Intros
I attended NT to see three people, TS Nadia a honey pot high on my "To Do" list and two BBWs, all of whom the receptionist assured me were on. By the time I arrived, TS Na
Elly is slim but not overly. She was a very pleasant, young lady and genuinely Japanese. Long thick black hair. Beautiful face. Little breast with nice brown, pointy nipples. Happy to lie there and DFK as long as you want. DATY was responsive and seemed quite genuinely enjoyed.
Her normal life is in Sydney as a uni student and she visits Melbourne as WL two times or one time per month.
A CBJ like I’ve not had before. The pressure was so light at the start I almost asked her to beef it
Sorry for the lateness of this review, I’ve been slack lately. I’m quite nervous posting again after the long break.
After being shown into the massage room I was invited to disrobe and take a position on the massage table face down. A towel was made available should my modesty get the better of me. I stripped off, lifted myself on to the massage table, discarded the towel and started to get into a tranquil frame of mind aided by that type of music you’d find for sale at the ABC Shop. SB gav