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Index of 2005 In Shag Miles!

Welcome to 2005 In Shag Miles!. This is a yearly summary of the reviews I posted on FIA since April 2005. Click on the links to read full reviews.   2005's list is by no means a complete one, since only working girls are reviewed and one or two may be missing, particularly the ones I saw before joining FIA. Also girls like Rebecca and Elise I saw many times, while most of the others only once. The list is more or less in chronological order.   Sarah at Le Boudoir, Collingwood Sarah looks fa



Club 121 - 28/12/05 - Alexis

What is with hot nights that drag you out there in the search of flesh? I spent most of the day sleeping, so I found myself very active at late hours... By midnight I couldn't handle it anymore, had to go out and find me a girl to fornicate with.   (SKIP FORWARD IF YOU JUST WANT TO READ ABOUT THE SEX)   First destination: Kings Cross. I walked by the Kellett Street parlours but didn't go in... Don't know why, it just didn't feel like the right time... I walked a little bit more to make up



Manhattan Terrace - 10/12/05 - Michelle

No plans for Saturday night, woke up far too late to take advantage of the nice day... so, punting presented itself as a natural option, and a quickie was on the cards as I didn't want to spend too much money. Now, I could have seen Elise at Amore, whom I visit regularly and a great time would've been guaranteed... However, I would've ended up booking her for more time, plus it was rather late to go all the way to Newtown.   So, I thought I could check out Manhattan Terrace (48 Kellett Street



Manhattan Terrace - 04/12/05 - Sara

After an incredibly long day and night of beer drinking in different places of Melbourne, I seriously thought I was going to bed a chaste and drunken man (well, chaste at least for yesterday)... but it wasn't to be. Despite the beer and the fact that I went out with friends (males & females) and ended up going back to my hotel at 3am, I was tired but sober enough to let my legs walk me to Manhattan Terrace in autopilot... How amazing when your legs just like a faithful horse take you to plac



La Casa de Nana - 31/10/05 - Natalia & Kathya

And like all good things, my visits to Nana's came to an end... last night.   I had thought of something a bit different as a farewell since the "completo" was turning into something too much of a routine (that I'll dearly miss soon but for the time being... you know)   Some girls had mention the possibility of doing a double (or triple), and despite I don't think group sex is for me, I've never done it and these prices are the right ones for a no risk test. Unfortunately, some of the girl



La Casa de Nana - 30/10/05 - Every

The Rectal Rooter strikes back!... well, there I was wondering what to do... going to the movies or doing another girl... movies or girl?... movies or girl?... hmm, I decided for doing another girl up her butt... Just kidding: the movies option never crossed my mind!   Seriously, I have to say that with these reports my reputation will surely suffer but bear in mind that any craving for Greek sex I may have in the future, it's well covered already for the next 2 or 3 years! So, when I get bac



La Casa de Nana - 28/10/05 - Mariana

Captain's log... third night at Casa de Nana.   Before getting there, I did venture into a nearby parlour: far too dark, only a couple of unattractive girls available, kept going to Nana's. It may be worth checking out again some other day but the lack of visibility is absurd. I got to Nana's and it became somewhat difficult to walk around the place without being seen by Natalia... Ximena was having a night off apparently. Problem was that the place is divided in sectors and I did want



La Casa de Nana - 27/10/05 - Ximena

Guys and girls, I'm happy that you're enjoying my reports... and yes, those punters who like travelling should seriously consider testing these waters.   Anyway, here's my review on Ximena. Second night at La Casa de Nana and I start wandering around the maze-like corridors of the place, also trying to avoid Natalia (review above) since I didn't want her to think I hadn't enjoyed my stay with her by not booking her again (As I said before, I'm trying to stay with different girls and no



La Casa de Nana - 26/10/05 - Natalia

As promised, here's my review on Natalia. As I came to observe later, Natalia is a very busy girl since her door remains closed a lot. She's early twenties, dark brown hair with highlights, brown eyes, olive complexion. She's slim yet with great curves in the all the right places. She must be a natural D cup (very nice breasts) and has a bubble bum.   She's a single mum and comes from a country town in central Uruguay. You can tell that sort of innocent charm that country town people often sh



La Casa de Nana - 26/10/05 - Field Report

Now that Australia will play against Uruguay for a place in the world cup, I thought I'd better explore this country a bit and pass some tips to those joining the socceroos on their trip.   First a bit of general info on Uruguay: a country more or less the size of NSW, 3.5 million inhabitants, 1.5 live in Montevideo, the capital city. Weather is not unlike Melbourne's. Uruguay knew better times from an economic point of view and now is slowly recovering from a big crisis in 2002. This makes t



Remington's - 05/10/05 - Holly

I have to say that no other previous visit to a parlour have had the level of anticipation of this one. Mind you, I'm not talking just about the girl I was going to see but the fact of entering a competition, somehow winning a $50 discount, getting to chat with the receptionist and the actual WL prior visiting, etc, etc.   It was a new experience, and one 100% FIA generated. It was exciting and what it the end could've just been a discounted 1 hour booking, extented itself to days of preparat



Purely Blue - 14/08/05 - M.J.

I was in Brisbane and despite trying to keep my mind and monies away from punting, I couldn't resist the temptation of being away from my city and not having this kind of fun. So, being the flesh so weak, I headed to the only parlour I know in Brisbane, that is Purely Blue... (I could've made the effort of locating 88 on Logan but couldn't bother)   Purely Blue has a nice atmosphere, I particularly like the TV monitors disguised as paintings by being framed on the wall to match the style of t



Amore - 10/07/05 - Elise

I was wondering whether to keep this one a secret but, with forums like this, at the end of the day you get what you give.   After been a bit disappointed in Sydney parlours, particularly due to ratio high prices - average or below average quality & service, I decided to try this place, Amore in Newtown. I did check their website and thought I wouldn't find the Kylie Minogue lookalike they have on their entry page. However, I saw they had a decent number of girls working there and prices



La Petite Aroma - 05/06/05 - Melody

After a non eventful weekend sorting out paperwork at home, I started feeling a bit anxious at the thought of Monday already looming. So, in order to release some tension I decided to go out and misbehave a bit. The question was where to... and, partly because LPA has been under this forum's spotlight in the last days, partly because I've never had a bad experience there the few times I visited it, I decided to head towards Chatswood.   After the very long trip, I was welcomed by the friendly



The Main Course - 26/05/05 - Theresa

Let me start by saying that the Main Course is not among my favourite parlours, yet over the years I've been in and out of there with friends many times. I've only stayed with a girl there once before. I'm a sucker for pretty faces and that's definitely not the right place for that.   However, after reading quite a few good reviews here, I decided to pay this place a visit on a Saturday evening. To my surprise there were only three girls available (the rest were busy)... while in my previous e



The Grosvenor - 28/04/05 - Rebecca

I've seen Rebecca quite a few times and I agree with the above reviews. Great sex, wonderful personality, good looks. In more than one ocassion I had to extend my booking because moments like those are not that common in a parlour; and I actually enjoy the conversation with her (Unless in a rush, I don't book her for less than 1 hour anymore).   I'm surprised that no-one has mentioned her lovely butt; if you like them round and firm, she's your kind of girl. She doesn't get tired very easily



Le Boudoir - 27/04/05 - Sarah

I know your review is about one year old but I feel glad I came across it.   A few weeks ago (way before finding your message) I ended up in Le Boudoir and Sarah was the only girl available. I was quite pleased when I saw her coming down the stairs for the intro, since I was expecting the worst (after a non eventful afternoon trying at nearby brothels)   I only booked her for 30 minutes, and as you pointed out, she looks even better without clothes on. I like athletic women, so her toned bo



Past Reviews 2008

I am in the process of transferring all my review to one place (a bigger job than I had envisaged). Would like to get my shed reviews, but may not be possible   Early May 2008 My first punt(s) with Lucy Blake then Lucy and Chantal and finally Lucy by herself again. A most eventful 2 days. It is quite interesting to see the changes in style evolving as the reviews did continue past the first one   This is my first and possibly only review, I had never seen a WL before. I often



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